There should have been a big party! This was my biggest year yet…
Those are two thoughts that have been floating around my mind these past few weeks as my 10th Stacy Hart Photography anniversary came and went at the beginning of the month. To celebrate something via blog post seems so underwhelming after everything I’ve gone through the past ten years. I remember this time last year I popped the bubbly and Megan, Steve, and I all said cheers to 9 years of business and chatted about how this year, my 10 year anniversary, would feature a big party. The idea of throwing myself a party felt lame at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I knew it was a must.
I thought about how far I’d come and the trials that I have overcome. I thought about the number of times I thought about giving up, but didn’t. I thought about all of the tears shed and doubt that has filled my mind in the past. I thought about all the bad advice I was given, from which I’ve learned to discern. I thought about the encouraging days when I booked dream couples and dream venues, and then I thought about the discouraging days when my dream couple passed me by for someone cheaper. But, I also thought about the grit and drive that kept me going. I thought about everything. I thought about how I have raised three precious beautiful kids while building a business to earn a six figure income and that was something to be damn proud of. I thought about the comparison and rejection and I’ve thought about my “fans”, most especially my husband, who was the very first one to say, “You know that thing you have always loved to do, photography? You should go do it. Just quit your job, and start your own business, Babe. You can do it!”
I thought about all these things and I figured if over the course of 10 years, I could throw myself a pity party, I could most definitely throw a real party with all my friends and clients to celebrate 10 years of my dream job. But alas, Covid-19. So, here I am writing to you all about the fact that there will be no party and that while this would have been the “best year ever” in so many ways, I can without a shadow of doubt tell you we will be popping the bubbly at 11 years because I have built a business that will survive!
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