Hi friends. I thought I’d stop by the blog to let you know why you haven’t heard much from me this week. Last Friday I received some really bad news. I found out that one of my best friend’s husband and my long time friend, Staff Sergeant David Stewart, was killed in action on Friday, June 20th in Afghanistan. Since hearing this news, I have been somewhat removed from my work so that I may grieve and help my friend Krissy prepare for her husband’s dignified transfer and welcome home. I’ve had a few shoots sprinkled in the past couple of days that have been a way of healing for me, but I know I’ve been slacking in responding to emails and getting blog posts out. I’m working today and throughout the weekend to get clients galleries delivered. I also plan on doing some blog writing as I will be in Virginia for a few days next week celebrating the life of this courageous fallen Marine. I can’t quite prepare my heart to write a blog post about David, but here is what I wrote as a Facebook status a couple of days ago:
We welcomed home three American heroes last night. One of them I had the honor to know personally. He was a great man. You could never not laugh or smile when you had a conversation with him. He was a wonderful husband to one of my best friends. Their relationship and the love they shared was one of a kind. As I read all these stories being posted to Krissy’s page, I know that not one person was confused with who David was. His infectious laughter, witty conversation, kind heart, and beautiful smile was witnessed and loved by so many. We live in a country where men and women of exceptional courage, strength, and honor die for people they don’t even know simply because we share the common love and freedom of this great nation. Please remember this and keep David and these men and women in your prayers.
I’ve been crying as I look through the wedding pictures of David and Krissy and laughing through tears as I recall some fond memories I have of him such as his strange aversion to condiments and a conversation on our way to Taco Bell that first showed me what a fun and warm hearted person David was. I know he will be missed by so many of us who have been blessed to have even one conversation with him and feel his joy and his happiness.
The tears continue to fall for my friend and her children as they have to find a new normal without having this amazing father and husband in their lives. Krissy’s wish is that David’s life will never be forgotten in our hearts or in the hearts of her two young children. Stories have been flooding her Facebook page and email about the wonderful character that he possessed. We plan to work together on a book that will contain all of these stories for her to share with her children through the years ahead. If you are reading this and have known David or have uplifting and encouraging words for Krissy and her children, please send in your story or write a letter to their children, Kenzie (2 years old) and Marshall (1 year old) at this email address: lettersforkenzieandmarshall@gmail.com.
I know many of you would like to send Krissy flowers or gifts to comfort her in this time of grief, but she has requested that in lieu of sending her anything, you can instead donate to The Wounded Warrior Project ICO Staff Sergeant David Stewart to show your support for the men and women of our military who daily defend the freedom David lost his life fighting for.
Lastly, my home county where David grew up is doing great things to show their support. I see pictures being posted all over Facebook of flags being lowered to half mast and local clubs coming together to assist with his funeral. If you’re reading this and you’re in another part of the country, I’d encourage you to be inspired by the sacrifice of this great man and support your local military branches. We hear about our fallen heroes so often in the news that we almost become apathetic to the reality of what our military members are put through. Please do not let that happen. These are real men and women with real families and they need our support at all times during this fight.
Thank you to all military members, past, present, and future, for your voluntarily commitment to defend the freedoms of this country at all costs.

Copyright United States Air Force
Picture from Dover Air Force Base Article: Marine Corps Staff Sgt. David H. Stewart Honored in Dignified Transfer June 23
David, you will be dearly missed my friend.
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