Just a little intro about this post…
So my uber talented and crazy cute hubby wrote this children’s story for Addisyn a couple years back. He loves writing and as some of you long time followers remember, he started and *almost* finished our love story (more to come on that later). ANYwho, we wanted to get this published in the future for our children and our children’s children so Steve enlisted the help of one of his childhood best friends, Donald, to come up with drawings for the story. Being dads to two little ones and having jobs and other life events, this was something that only could be done with the little “free time” a dad has. A few months before the final product was finished, Disney started showing the trailer for a little movie called “Planes.” Steve, Donald, and I could not believe how similar the storyline and artistic elements were! Anyway, long story short, we thought we would share this super cute story with you all. Be sure to give us a “like” if you read it to your kids or enjoyed the story.
UPDATE: As of 02/07/2019 you can purchase a published copy of Big Plane Small Plane by clicking HERE!
Big Plane, Small Plane
Way up there in the clear blue sky
A Big Plane flew up oh so high
With Big Plane wings, a Big Plane tail
And Big Plane jets that VROOMED so well
![big 1[1]](https://stacyhart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/big-11-744x1024.jpg)
He could barrel roll, loop de loop
And climb up high then dive and swoop
![big 2[1]](https://stacyhart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/big-21-744x1024.jpg)
He flew over mountains and trees
Over the oceans and the seas
So many things Big Plane could do
When he took to the sky so blue
A little speck up in the sky
Flew Small Plane, but not oh so high
With Small Plane wings, a Small Plane tail
Small Plane’s propeller BUZZED as well
He couldn’t do a loop de loop
And when he tried to dive and swoop
He’d skim the ocean, splash the sea
Or buzz the tips off of the trees
![small [1]](https://stacyhart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/small-1-744x1024.jpg)
There wasn’t much Small Plane could do
But dream to be a Big Plane too
‘Til one day at The Great Plane Show
Where planes had come from high and low
Fast Plane, Slow Plane, Short Plane and Tall
Of course Big Plane, best of them all!
They soared through the sky without flaw
Leaving the crowd gasping in awe
From the ground Small Plane watched them go
Oh how he loved for The Great Plane Show!
He watched as Big Plane led the bunch
Through loops and dips and spins and such
Then time for Big Plane’s special show
All others landed down below
Big Plane alone up in the sky
Climbed and climbed and climbed oh so high
Everyone gathered round see
What Big Plane’s special trick would be
“Maybe a dive?” asked Tall of Fast,
“Then loop de loop in just one pass?”
“He’s climbing high,” said Fast to Tall
“TWO barrel rolls would shock us all!”
Small Plane had seen Big’s tricks before
And couldn’t wait to see some more!
But from the ground just looking on
Small Plane could tell something was wrong
It wasn’t Big Plane’s wings or tail
His Big Plane jets vroomed not so well
Small Plane worried and wondered why
But he had never flown that high
He was too small what could he do?
That Big Plane wasn’t able to
Then all the plane’s radios yelped
Out came one word from Big Plane, “HELP!”
“Come in Big!” Called Tall looking on
Big Plane tried, but could not respond
Tall said, “he’s too high, who would dare
To fly that high up in the air?”
When Small Plane heard the call for help
He took it all upon himself
Down the runway past Fast and Tall
He took off and zipped past them all!
He started onward toward the sky
Where Big Plane was flying so high
As he climbed he heard others saying
He’d never make it to Big Plane
He was too small for trying things
With small plane tail and small plane wings
He’d never done a loop de loop
Or climbed enough to dive and swoop
But Small kept on without delay
And heard their voices fade away
He climbed and climbed all by himself
And when he got to Big for help
Scared, Big Plane said, “Please help me Small!
If something’s not done soon I’ll fall
My tail is strong, wings are a go
But my jets are vrooming too slow
They’re starting to cough, wheeze and stall
I think soon they won’t vroom at all”
Small Plane said, “I know what to do
To bring down safe both me and you”
Small put Big on his wings in flight
Propelling them with all his might
When Big Plane’s jets finally failed
Small said, “steer with your Big Plane tail
And fly us with your Big Plane wings
Guide us down to a safe landing”
With Small’s propeller buzzing on
And Big Planes wings spread out so strong
They made their way back to the show
And looking up from down below
Were all the planes who watched amazed
By what they saw from Small that day
They cheered as Big and Small came down
And when they landed on the ground
Big looked at Small and spoke aloud
In front of the planes and the crowd
He said, “Small, you’re not small at all
Your heart is big and might is tall
Your will was strong when others feared
Because of you we made it here
We’re all unique some big some tall
But you’re the bravest of us all
Your mind is sharp, your courage strong
You’ll be BRAVE plane from this day on”
Now with his Brave Plane wings and tail
And Brave propeller buzzing well
Brave plane flies at The Great Plane Show
Helping those above and below
Crowds always cheer when he flies by
The tale of Brave Plane in the sky
Written by: Stephen Hart
Illustrations by: Donald Gorgas
And here an example of the storyboard they were working on. If you want to see the whole thing, click the link above the picture. I think it is so cool how close we were to getting this a book. What do you think? Publish it for our kiddos?
BPSP Storyboards with Text

UPDATE: As of 02/07/2019 you can purchase a published copy of Big Plane Small Plane by clicking HERE!
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